
About: Rob G. Reid

I serve as associate pastor at RockPointe Church in Flower Mound and I am a PhD student at Brite Divinity School in New Testament and Literature of Early Christianity. I have earned a B.A. and Th.M. in New Testament Studies. My interests include imperial-critical biblical criticism, philosophical hermeneutics, Second Temple Judaism, Jewish Apocalyptic literature, more specifically my master's thesis dealt heavily with Enochic literature. On a personal level, I spent half of my lifetime addicted to heroin and other drugs before having my "spiritual awakening." My own theological journey has been and continues to be winding, and I find myself most comfortable with Jurgen Moltmann's biography title "A Broad Place." This path has traversed initial pentecostalism, conservatism, and several other -isms, which I choose now to simply call "follower of Jesus." Indeed, along the journey I was awakened to nascent Christianities and their socio-religious, imperial context.

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